#obey me nightbringer lesson 24 spoilers
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nerdy-talks · 2 years ago
Obey Me! Nightbringer Lesson 24 Spoilers
I am genuinely loving the fact that we are getting to see the brothers displaying their sins.
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I was a fan of Mammon's reaction towards MC when his greed took over, but now we get this from Asmo? Yes! I feel like this is a perfect reaction from our conceited little cutie~
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Yandere Asmo Vibes!
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I loved this particular scene for one reason :
Imagine what a serious blow that was to Lucifer's ego.
The dynamic between Lucifer and Solomon is one that I highly enjoy witnessing, because there is so much tension and oftentimes passive-aggressive bickering amongst the two (especially when MC is involved).
So Lucifer openly admitting that he can't hold out against Asmo for long, that he won't be able to protect MC, and then telling them to run to Solomon? No, he actually sends MC to Solomon.
I don't imagine Lucifer was very happy about this entire situation. Obviously he's worried about his brother, but he also had to set aside his pride in so many (little) ways here.
I dunno... maybe it's just the teeny bit of sadist in me, but there's something I like about vulnerable Lucifer lol
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messysketchyobeyme · 2 years ago
I love how Nightbringer delves into the brothers' relationships with each other, demonstrating how much they truly care one another.
Like, Asmo went mad with power. He used his charm to take each of his brothers agencies away and forced them to do things that they would never do. He molded his brothers to be his servants, made them worship him, and changed aspects of their personalities that he didn't like.
And what did his brothers do when Asmo was knocked out and fully at their mercy? They doodled on his face as a silly little prank and texted him that they love him.
I know they did it, so Asmo wouldn't be too pissed when he wakes up, but it's cute knowing that his brothers still love him, despite things he puts them through, haha.
Also, it's cute how Lucifer also joined in. He's the type to act like such pranks are beneath him (usually choosing to opt for some harsher punishments), but it's nice seeing him goof around a little, too.
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someiicecube · 2 years ago
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hi tumblr, watch me disappear again after this
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hallowxiu · 1 year ago
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when i tell you i am about to go FERAL
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anintrovertedechoe · 2 years ago
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they’re literally a divorced married couple ur honor
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misc-obeyme · 2 years ago
Okay, Lesson 24. Honestly what do I even say about it other than the cliffhanger nearly took me out?
Fine, fine, spoilers below the cut, I'm gonna have to say something lol.
Okay this is a shortish one, but here I am!
I'm kind of glad they had Lucifer being the teacher in this lesson. Diavolo kind of made it sound like it's a temporary thing for right now before they officially start RAD, but like you can't tell me that guy is a student. I don't believe it!
The best part of that whole thing was Diavolo responding cheerfully to the brothers' complaints.
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Also is this the first time that Lucifer does this with someone's name other than Mammon?!
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I honestly can't remember. Lucifer you sound ridiculous lol.
Right, but anyway. I didn't write a post for the last lesson because I was out of time, sorry Mammon. But we got a pact with our boy and of course he was the first because it couldn't possibly be anybody else, right?
And now Asmo's acting up, which means we're not going in the OG order. I wonder if there's a reason for that or if it was just like... Mammon is first, Lucifer is last and we can mix everybody else up? 'Cause if Lucifer isn't last, I'll be surprised.
So uh... Solomon in this lesson, though... and then Barbatos shows up... and oh my gosh. The whole later part of this lesson was just me freaking out the whole time because I LOVE THEM so much.
Solomon being protective of MC despite being less powerful than normal? Barbatos just absolutely shutting everything down the second he gets there? Barbatos then telling Solomon how he's still upset with him? Both of them putting aside their issues for a minute to help MC find Little D No 5? MC being like nope you guys are intolerable, let's talk about this? THE CLIFFHANGER????
I was actually really surprised when Lucifer was like, go to Solomon! I was like hang on what? You want me to get Solomon? I don't understand. And then Lucifer was like y'know 'cause of his pact with Asmo! And then I was like ooooohhhh okay yeah that tracks.
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And our boy Sol can sense MC's presence? Now I headcanon that he reads auras, too. Of course he can. Of course he does. I love him.
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Oh nothing, just my true love serving all the sass.
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This man. He has also said (in an event I believe it was or maybe a Devilgram?) that he wants MC to scold him. Like sir...
Anyway, due to the fact that there was so much of Solomon and Barbatos in this lesson, I very much enjoyed it. I also love Asmo, though I am concerned about his current state. I actually liked the WW conference call the others had, though. It's so sweet that Beel was watching over Asmo while he was sleeping. Precious babies!
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impish-ivy · 1 year ago
Does Solomon know why Barbatos is mad at him?
Disclaimer: this post was drafted before lesson 25 came out and wasn’t finished in time. Lesson 25 gave us our answer, but I really like this post. So here’s my theory post anyway.
Spoilers up to Nightbringer Lesson 24
The end of lesson 24 is a cliffhanger bites fist that has Barbatos prepared to tell us why he’s mad at Solomon. Solomon has stated multiple times he has no idea why Barbatos is mad at him but Solomon is a character that has no issues lying so—can we trust he’s being honest?
Well, let’s look at Solomon when we know he’s lying and when he’s talking with Barbatos in lesson 18-A.
This is what Solomon looks like when he lies:
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This is what Solomon looks like when talking to Barbatos:
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Despite Solomon’s best effort, he’s pretty obvious when he lies. He’s a smiler.
How am I sure his body language even means anything, those are pseudo science practices after all? Well yeah, but Solomon is a fictional character created by a team of people.
Every action, word and expression is deliberate.
This could be Solomon lying for fun (he does this semi-frequently lol) but I don’t really get that from this conversation.
Why would Solomon lie to Barbatos if he truly has done something if they both would know what he did? Solomon doesn’t peck me as a gaslighter either.
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yukis-tasks · 1 year ago
Obey Me Hard Mode Lesson 24
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fuzzytrashbird · 2 years ago
i dislike that im not like 'casually' into things i am ""Lazily"" into things like i like Jujutsu Kaisen but i have not watched past season 1 since i watched it a while ago bc i just don't feel up to watching anime. i am also SUPER into Obey Me, but i'm also YEARS behind everyone else. i'm like on lesson 26 on the original and maybe 9 or 10 in Nightbringer bc i just don't feel up to reading
yet every time i look into content it's spoilers running rampant bc everyone is Actively into things and reading things or watching things as they happen/release and i don't even have the energy to go through and block tags so i don't see the spoilers and i know it's the easiest solution and it will save me so much but fuck man i barely have enough energy to not sleep 24/7 you expect me to go out of my way to fix this ?? nah i'm just gonna live knowing everyone in everything i like suffers greatly or dies tragically and vaguely how they suffer/die while also knowing i wont actually see or read it for another 5 years if ever
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nerdy-talks · 2 years ago
Obey Me! Nightbringer
Imagine an alternative reaction to this :
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MC : Yes. As a matter of fact- *holds up paper to reveal it's a printed out photo of Lucifer's face*
MC : And I've got plenty more where that came from *pulls folded up photos from their pockets, slips some out from the pages of their textbooks, opens bag filled to the brim with pictures of Lucifer*
Lucifer : ...
MC : Yeah. That's right. Maybe next time, you'll think back to this moment before you get snarky.
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hallowxiu · 1 year ago
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the girls have been fighting
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hallowxiu · 1 year ago
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you know, i don’t know, but solomon probably deserves it lmao
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hallowxiu · 1 year ago
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nerdy-talks · 2 years ago
Obey Me! Nightbringer Lesson 24 Spoiler
The newest chapter has done a brilliant job showcasing Asmo and his sin.
We all know how conceited, confident, self-absorbed, and narcissistic Asmodeus is... but he can also be jealous and bitter towards MC. And I LOVE seeing that side of him.
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I can't really blame him, to be honest.
Asmodeus is beautiful. He's radiant. Glamorous. He's also very kind (under normal circumstances).
But now that his sin is influencing him so much, it's only natural that he would openly display such resentment and disgust towards MC.
Personally speaking, I could never imagine being anywhere near as important as Asmo... I would feel unworthy yet embarrassingly, uncomfortably flattered lol
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Let's not forget in the OG, Asmo was pretty irritated that he was unable to seduce MC.
So a real thorn in his side indeed~ lol
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Protective Solomon comes to our rescue yet again! (ಥ◡ಥ)
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Serving Solomon in a relationship... Yes please, I am very interested, where do I sign up? ¬‿¬
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nerdy-talks · 2 years ago
Obey Me! Nightbringer Lesson 24 Spoilers
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We're out taming demons and this mf is planning yet another poisonous meal
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..... I can say so many inappropriate, lewd, sexual, lustful, thirsty, horny things about this... but all I will say is : this is one old man I would happily fuck for eternity~
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nerdy-talks · 2 years ago
Obey Me! Nightbringer Lesson 24 Spoilers
Ah yes... another dynamic I find amusing ~
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Me! I'll serve you! (^﹃^)
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I seriously love Barbatos roasting Solomon lol
But the most important part is where Lesson 24 left off for these two :
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I am so excited for Lesson 25 even more now because we're finally gonna learn why Barbatos is so angry at Solomon! (੭ ˃ ∇ ˂ )੭
I really hope it has something to do with rats lol
But! It would also be extremely interesting if it ties back to OG Obey Me! and how/why MC got thrown back into the past. Ya know... since Barbatos can see the future, control time, etc.
Guess we'll just have to wait and find out ^w^
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